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Manufacturer Part No | JG769AAE | |
Marketing Description | |
H3C Intelligent Management Center (IMC) delivers integrated and modular network management capabilities that efficiently meet the end-to-end management needs of advanced, heterogeneous enterprise networks. Designed on a service-oriented architecture that effectively integrates traditionally disparate management tools, IMC can be deployed across multiple servers to provide complete management of resources, services and users. Highly available, self-contained and scalable, IMC supports the management of 3Com H3C and third-party devices. | |
Product Features | |
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Product Properties | |
Product Description | HPE Intelligent Management Center Wireless Service Manager - product upgrade licence - 250 nodes |
Product Type | Product upgrade licence |
Category | Networking applications - system & remote management |
Licence Qty | 250 nodes |
Distribution Media | Electronic |
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