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Manufacturer Part No | JG751AAE | |
Marketing Description | |
HPE IMC Network Traffic Analyzer (NTA) software module is a graphical network-monitoring tool that provides network administrators with real-time information about users and applications consuming network bandwidth. A reliable solution for enterprise and campus network traffic analysis, it defends the network against virus attacks and applies varying levels of bandwidth traffic to different services and applications. The IMC NTA software module s network bandwidth statistics help plan, monitor, enhance, and troubleshoot networks, as well as identify bottlenecks and apply corrective measures for enhanced throughput. The software also monitors Internet egress traffic, helping administrators to analyze the bandwidth usage of specific applications and monitor the impact of non-business applications on user productivity. Granular, network-wide surveillance of complex, multilayer switched and routed environments helps rapidly identify and resolve network threats. | |
Product Features | |
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Product Properties | |
Product Description | HPE Intelligent Management Center Network Traffic Analyzer - licence - 5 additional nodes |
Product Type | Licence |
Category | Networking applications - monitoring & performance management |
Licence Qty | 5 additional nodes |
Distribution Media | Electronic |
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